Category Archives: Judaism

Ignorance and antisemitism at Portland State University

An opinion piece about Jerusalem in the October 18, 2005 edition of the Portland State University Vanguard was so riddled with factual errors and antisemitic statements that the editors of the newspaper removed the article from their Web site on October 27 and replaced it with this text: Editor’s note, Oct. 27, 2005: This article… Read More »

When “Kosher, Vegan” is neither

Given the web of Federal and state laws and regulations surrounding food labeling and deceptive trade practices, you would think that a food manufacturer with a nationwide market wouldn’t survive for long if it outright lied about the ingredients in its products, intentionally deceiving vegans, vegetarians, and people who keep kosher. Alas, that’s apparently not… Read More »

Plagiarism? Help me decide.

Please take a look at these two recently published articles I stumbled across, in particular the highlighted sections, and comment on whether you think they warrant a complaint to the editors of The Jewish Week and a heads-up to the editors of the New York Times.