New IG reel from Feds Against DOGE: why VA data privacy matters
Watch this video and then get involved! The only way we stop this if if people get off the sidelines.
Watch this video and then get involved! The only way we stop this if if people get off the sidelines.
The article about my firing from USDS and VA is fair, accurate, and even-handed.
Script to prevent Newegg from subscribing me to their spam against my will.
When you click on a contact’s email address in the Google Contacts web app, instead of opening a new draft in your default email app with the “To” field populated with that email address, which is what it should do, Google Contacts opens a Gmail compose window. I hate this behavior. While I do have… Read More »
VirtualBox is more functional than Hyper-V Manager but much slower. There are a lot of tricks for getting this right. If you turn off Secure Boot you might permanently lock yourself out of Windows.
Now you can route your outbound emails through and even generate new aliases for that purpose without ever leaving Thunderbird.
Ads from Google are too scammy and too intrusive. I should have turned them off long ago. Now I have. If you appreciate that, please consider kicking in a few bucks to make up for the lost revenue.
You can send correspondence to Vanguard at P.O. Box 982901, El Paso, TX 79998-2901. Vanguard makes it hard on purpose to find this address.