Mass. Sen. Will Brownsberger to co-sponsor social networking privacy bill

By | January 11, 2013

I have just been informed by a member of Massachusetts Senator Will Brownsberger’s staff that he “will be co-sponsoring a piece of legislation that will, among other things, prevent employers from asking job applicants for their social networking passwords.”

This issue has been raised in previous sessions of the Massachusetts legislature, but it has not yet gotten to the point of being included in a bill that was passed by the legislature and signed by the governor.

Apparently, Sen. Brownsberger was motivated to look into this issue and to decide to co-sponsor legislation about it as a result of a recent inquiry I sent him about it.

This is a great example of how incredibly responsive to constituents Sen. Brownsberger is. It is also a great example of the kind of legislator he is; over and over again, I find myself delighted by the positions Sen. Brownsberger advocates, the process he uses and effort he puts in to arrive at those positions, and the transparency with which he does so. Finally, it is a great example of why when there’s something you think your elected representatives should be doing, you should tell them!


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