GE “RC24914-E” universal remote: here’s the correct manual to use

By | October 25, 2015

GE apparently thinks it’s a good idea to sell at least five different universal remote controls with the same model number.

Not only that, but the instructions for programming the different remotes are different, and the instructions for one won’t work for the others.

As a result, when you try to search online for the manual for your remote because you need to reprogram it and you’ve lost the manual, it’s a huge pain to find the right manual with instructions that work.

I had that experience this morning. My remote has a sticker inside it that says “RC24914-E” on the first line and “2917” on the second line.

If your sticker also ends in “-E”, then this is the manual you need to use for it: I also downloaded it here in case that link disappears.

But I’ll save you some trouble and tell you the most important things to know:

  • When changing the batteries, your codes will be preserved as long as you do the swap within ten minutes, but they won’t be preserved if the batteries drain all the way or if you push any buttons while the old batteries are out before the new ones are in.
  • To enter a known code:
    • press and hold the SETUP button until the lights stays on;
    • press the desired device button; and
    • enter the four digit code.
  • To search for a code:
    • press and hold the SETUP button until the light stays on;
    • press the desired device button;
    • pointing the remote at the device whose code you’re trying to find, press the ON/OFF or channel up button repeatedly (you may have to do it up to 300 times) until the button works (i.e., until the device turns on or off or the channel changes); and
    • press the ENTER button to install the code.
    • Note that by default the code search will only try out codes for the type of device whose button you pressed at the start (i.e., TV, DVD, etc.). If you want to assign a device to a different kind of button, you can do that by first assigning any code of the appropriate type to the button you want to assign, then using the instructions above to do a code search.
    • Code search starts from where you last left off, so if you install a code from code search and then discover after trying it out that it’s not working quite right, you can start another code search and it’ll pick up where you left off.
  • To find out what code is assigned to a button:
    • press and hold the SETUP button until the light stays on;
    • press the desired button;
    • press the SETUP button again;
    • press the numbers 0-9 one by one until the red light blinks; the number which causes the blink is the first digit of the four-digit code; and
    • repeat the previous step for the next three digits; note that the light will go out rather than blinking after the last digit.

P.S. Just on the off chance that this will help someone:

  • my Sylvania LCD Cover TV Model LC370SS9 has the code 1172; and
  • my Daewoo VCR model DV-T5DN uses the code 0279.
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15 thoughts on “GE “RC24914-E” universal remote: here’s the correct manual to use

  1. April Brown

    I’m trying to program my GE Universal remote to my ROKU Express however I’m not sure how to program the ROKU to a device key because it doesn’t have one of its own? Can I please get some help?

  2. Sangria Summer

    Spring 2021 – still working. Weird flex, but I had a Westinghouse TV that turned off multiple times during the code search process, but would never turn back on. Finally I just reversed the process in that I started with the TV off and cycled through the numbers until the TV turned on. Voila!


    I am looking for the codes to my ge universal remote rc24914-e. I need codes for my magnavox digital converter box and my JWIN DVD player.

  4. Dee

    Thank you so much! I was getting ready to just give up. It was simple and super easy. Thanks again!

  5. Karena

    The manual link has been removed!!!

    Now what??!!

    Searching online I can only find v2 versions and not the “e” manual!!

    I’m stuck now…..

    1. jik Post author

      Updated, working link posted above in the body of the article.

      Also, aren’t the instructions I included in the blog posting sufficient?

  6. Steve

    How do I go to the menu to set my TV up after the remote is programmed

  7. Anonymous

    My wife would leave me for you if she found out it was your blog that allowed me to program the remote!

  8. Donna

    Thank you so very much. I was pulling my hair out. I purchased a tv without a remote and the only buttons on it was the power button. I am now sitting on top of the world.

  9. Andrea

    After trying all the codes I could find, I decided to try this one and it worked! Thanks!!

  10. Nichole

    I realize its been almost 3 years sonce this was published… But you just saved my day lol I have a Sylvania tv amd used your code! THANK YOU 😄


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