“America Unhinged” conversation, segregation returns, news roundup

By | March 7, 2025

You can watch my conversation with Francesca Fiorentini and Wajahat Ali last night on America Unhinged here if you missed it last night. Skip to the 30-minute mark if you don’t want to watch the whole episode. It’s worth watching the live chat replay (click “Show chat replay” in the web app): folks who were watching live were pretty enthusiastic about my message.

I ended the segment with three calls to action I want to reiterate here:

  • If you are a federal worker, the time for waiting and seeing, for keeping your head down and just trying to do your job, is over. You need to resist in any way you can. Know where your red lines are now, so that you’re prepared to refuse to cross them when the time comes. If you haven’t thought about your red lines in advance and maybe even written them down, you will find it much harder to resist in the moment.
  • Whether you’re a federal worker or not, you should be calling and/or emailing your U.S. senators and representative as often as daily. Subscribe to their constituent email lists and then, if they’re not sending updates to their lists regularly about what DOGE is doing, contact them repeatedly and ask them why. Whether your electeds are Democrats or Republicans, they need to be hearing from you that what’s happening is not OK with you and you expect them to put a stop to it. 5 Calls is a great tool to help with this. So is ResistBot.
  • There are protests happening regularly all over the country. Find out where they are and participate in them. Participate in economic boycotts. Participate in strikes. We are not going to beat back fascism without doing the work. It’s going to be uncomfortable, time-consuming, inconvenient, and even risky, but nowhere near as much as living in an authoritarian fascist regime will be.

I want to share this article for people who are still not convinced about how dire the situation is: “DOD Will No Longer Prohibit Contractors from Running Segregated Facilities“. Yes, that’s right, the current ruling party in the United States has decided they’re OK with segregation returning to the workplace. If you were one of those people who thought some of us were overreacting when we were warning you about what was going to happen if Trump was reelected, now would be a good time to rethink that.

Finally, here’s today’s “for-the-record” news roundup. Nothing particularly new or revelatory here:


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