Hey, LJ users! A little help?

By | June 6, 2008

Turns out my LJ.com syndication feed (http://syndicated.livejournal.com/jik_blog/) has been broken since I installed bookmarkify in March. LJ decided that my entries were too big with all the bookmarkify links in them. So I’ve told bookmarkify to only include the Digg link and none of the others.

It would have been nice if somebody at LJ had mentioned to me that my articles weren’t being fed there.

Now y’all need to go back and read everything I’ve posted since March 17. 🙂


3 thoughts on “Hey, LJ users! A little help?

  1. E.T.

    Wouldn’t have occurred to me that the feed wasn’t working, figured you were just busy.

  2. Michael A. Burstein

    It would have been nice if somebody at LJ had mentioned to me that my articles weren’t being fed there.

    But how were we supposed to know if we depend on the RSS feed?

  3. Heather

    We thought you were in a state of general satisfaction.

    hee, hee


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