Category Archives: Law

Pittsfield judge orders local blogger to stop writing about the news

Ken at Popehat reports on Pittsfield judge Bethzaida Sanabria-Vega ordering a local blogger not only to stop writing about the daughter of a local public official who was the perpetrator of a hit-and-run accident which nearly killed someone and got off virtually scott-free after the courts “lost” some of the paperwork related to her case,… Read More »

Leave Louise Woodward alone

In response to “Killer nanny reinvents self as dance teacher in England” in today’s Boston Herald: To the editor: It is unfathomable to me why the Boston Herald thinks that how Louise Woodward is living her life is, or should be, news to your readers. Every bit of Woodward’s conduct since Matthew Eappen’s tragic death… Read More »

Sprint pays up!

As I noted before, I was awarded a default judgment against Sprint for over $800 in small claims court. As of a month after the judgment, they still hadn’t paid or showed up in court, so at the payment hearing the court issued me a Capeas (i.e., a document allowing me to have the CEO… Read More »