Endorsements for 2022 Boston MA Democratic Primary

Early voting in the 2022 Massachusetts primary starts tomorrow, and election day is September 6. Here are my endorsements for the races I’m voting in, in Boston. Themes: support progressives, support women. I’ll be helping to staff early voting at the Jackson/Mann school on Sunday, August 28. Stop by to say hi and cast your… Read More »

“Beware of Toddler” added to comics aggregator

The Comics Kingdom (King Features Syndicate) comic strip Beware of Toddler has been added to the comics aggregator. For information about reading Comics Kingdom strips in the aggregator, see the user guide. If you enjoy the comics aggregator, please consider buying me a beer or helping with the hosting costs.

“Legend of Bill” added to Comics Aggregator

The comic strip “Legend of Bill” from Comics Kingdom has been added to the comics aggregator. For information on viewing Comics Kingdom comics within the aggregator, see the user guide. P.S. If you enjoy using the comics aggregator please consider kicking in a few bucks to support the hosting costs. P.PS. Email me if there… Read More »

Comics in comics aggregator are now sorted

If you use my comics aggregator, you may have noticed that a month or so ago the comics on your page started appearing in a different, random order each day. This was the result of an upgrade to the version of Perl being used by the aggregator. In the old version of Perl, the order… Read More »

Why I can’t support Quentin Palfrey for Massachusetts Attorney General and you shouldn’t either

Executive Summary Quentin Palfrey thinks that rules don’t apply to him, which is a catastrophic character flaw in someone campaigning to be the state’s highest law-enforcement official. Also, there are several other, better candidates in the race. You should support one of them instead. Quentin Palfrey thinks that rules don’t apply to him On December… Read More »