Carolyn Hax currently broken in comics aggregator; please complain to WaPo

The comics aggregator is currently unable to display Carolyn Hax columns because the Washington Post RSS feed that the aggregator uses to find out about Carolyn’s columns has been broken for several days. I have complained repeatedly to the Post’s customer service department but they have not acknowledged my complaint or addressed the problem. I… Read More »

“Mallard Fillmore” removed from comics aggregator

When I look at the content of the “Mallard Fillmore” comic strip, two words inevitably come to mind: “ok boomer.” Bruce Tinsley, the author of Mallard Fillmore, has a nationwide platform which he mostly uses to publish endless variants of stupid “get off my lawn!” jokes, as befitting someone of his age. If it were… Read More »

“Ask Amy” has been removed from the comics aggregator

The advice column “Ask Amy”, written by Amy Dickinson, has been removed from my comics aggregator and will not be coming back. Advice columnists draw from three wellsprings: advice, compassion, and judgment. All three have their place, and different responses call for different measures of each one. Good columnists accompany all three with a healthy… Read More »

2019 Boston City Council At-Large and District 9 Endorsements

The 2019 preliminary election for Boston City Council is this Tuesday, September 24. The eight at-large candidates and the two district candidates from each district who garner the most votes will move on to the final election in November. I live in District 9, so I have carefully considered all the District 9 and at-large… Read More »