“Dry Bones” removed from comics aggregator
When someone tells me that they’re OK with fascism, I listen.
When someone tells me that they’re OK with fascism, I listen.
Brought to you via Comics Kingdom.
I fixed a couple of bugs, and now the aggregator should nearly always be loading pages in less than a second.
I’ve squeezed in another few improvements to the comics aggregator today:
Many improvements have been made to the aggregator, the most significant of which is that user accounts which remember your comics selections are now supported.
By way of penance for not removing JumpStart from my comics aggregator much sooner, I have added Tom Tomorrow’s This Modern World. It comes out early Tuesday mornings. There’s also a “(1-day delay)” version in case you like to read your comics in the middle of the night and don’t want to miss it. Quoting… Read More »
With its advocacy of “community policing” and “broken windows policing,” JumpStart crosses my line, from a wrong but tolerable portrayal of American policing, to outright copaganda. I will no longer facilitate its dissemination.
I wrote a Chrome extension to filter job listings in LinkedIn because LinkedIn itself is bad at this.
[If you’re just arriving at this story for the first time, start here.] Chapter 3: The Verdict Alas, the magistrate ruled in favor of CVS, so I’m out the $150 towing fee, plus the $4.60 for the letter I sent them demanding reimbursement, plus the $40 small claims fee. D’oh. These decisions do not typically… Read More »
LastPass sent out an email and published a blog posting today to go with the support article they published earlier this week. They keep making things worse.