Using Google Calendar to make it easy and free for people to schedule time with you outside your job
If you need people to be able to schedule meetings with you that don’t show up on your work calendar, this post’s for you.
If you need people to be able to schedule meetings with you that don’t show up on your work calendar, this post’s for you.
Applied to 115, rejected by 52, interviewed by 8, hired by 1. LinkedIn was my job-search HQ. Going to work for the U.S. Digital Service.
Don’t say “we regret to inform you.” Don’t say “unfortunately.” Here’s how to do it right.
I wrote a Chrome extension to filter job listings in LinkedIn because LinkedIn itself is bad at this.
AgreeYa sends me email claiming that I applied to work for them, but I didn’t. The email is riddled with errors. Their home page is riddled with errors. When I attempt to reply to their email and ask which job I applied to, my reply bounces.