Spammed by my own Senator

By | April 23, 2006

I just sent this complaint to Senator Edward Kennedy’s office through the form on his Web site:


I contacted you online a while back.  In response, you added me to some bulk email list, to which I never consented to be added, and started spamming me regularly.

When I contacted you on-line, I did not give you permission to start spamming me, so you had no right to add me to your bulk email list in the first place.  I did not opt into receiving this email.

Furthermore, I unsubscribed from your spam on March 16, using the Web link you provided, and yet you’re still spamming me — I received more spam from you earlier today.  Why are you still spamming me, apparently in violation of the CAN-SPAM act?

Finally, when I tried to send email to, the email address advertised in the footer of your Web site, it bounced: “This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.  Delivery to the following recipients failed.”.  Either you shouldn’t be advertising that email address, or you shouldn’t be bouncing email sent to it!


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