Hack of the day: CGI script for temporary download bandwidth throttling
I wrote a self-service way for my family to tell my computer to stop hogging all the download bandwidth so they can do their online meetings or gaming.
I wrote a self-service way for my family to tell my computer to stop hogging all the download bandwidth so they can do their online meetings or gaming.
When you click on a contact’s email address in the Google Contacts web app, instead of opening a new draft in your default email app with the “To” field populated with that email address, which is what it should do, Google Contacts opens a Gmail compose window. I hate this behavior. While I do have… Read More »
VirtualBox is more functional than Hyper-V Manager but much slower. There are a lot of tricks for getting this right. If you turn off Secure Boot you might permanently lock yourself out of Windows.
Now you can route your outbound emails through Addy.io and even generate new Addy.io aliases for that purpose without ever leaving Thunderbird.
I recently got a new printer, and as I’ve tweaked the integration between my printer and the numerous Linux desktops and laptops in my house, I became frustrated by how time-consuming and error-prone it was to have to use the Printers section of the GNOME Settings app, or the Printer Settings app (a.k.a. system-config-printer) to… Read More »
I’ve run my own mail server for 30+ years. It’s a pain sometimes, but I’m a stubborn old cuss and I think it’s worth it both because I value my privacy and don’t want my emails being stored on somebody else’s servers, and because I’m a sysadmin at heart and I love a good sysadmin… Read More »
Why you might want to anonymize the email addresses for your online accounts, some techniques for how to do that, and the details of how I did it myself, including stats, stories, and scripts.
Maybe you’re sufficiently Linux-nerdy that you’ll enjoy glancing at this. Or maybe not, whatever. 😉
The next-generation email parser in Python silently ignores data it doesn’t understand, sometimes to the detriment of the caller.
This was a satisfying exercise with the right amount of complexity to make it just enough of a challenge to be interesting without being frustrating.