Category Archives: email

Yet another night debugging email delivery problems

I’ve run my own mail server for 30+ years. It’s a pain sometimes, but I’m a stubborn old cuss and I think it’s worth it both because I value my privacy and don’t want my emails being stored on somebody else’s servers, and because I’m a sysadmin at heart and I love a good sysadmin… Read More »

Two examples of why the CDC is the Keystone Kops of disease control

I want to give two examples, one medical and one technological, of the kind of buffoonery that the CDC is engaging in that continues to make them untrustworthy as a disease-control organization. Medical buffoonery Here are some things that COVID-19 research and recently collected epidemiological data are telling us at the moment: Here is what… Read More »

How to protect your anonymity online when the services you use could be breached

Twitter is in the news again with another security breach in which 235 million users’ email addresses, phone numbers, and Twitter handles were exposed. These seems like a good opportunity to talk about what you can / should do to protect yourself if you need to maintain anonymity online. The basic rule is this: if… Read More »