BBYO management: incompetent or merely stupid?

By | October 18, 2012

Earlier this year, my wife and two of my daughters attended CELEBR-8 U, a conference for middle school and high school girls organized by Moving Traditions, a wonderful organization for which our family has a great deal of fondness and respect.

One of the co-sponsors of the conference was BBYO. Unbeknownst to us, Moving Traditions gave BBYO and other sponsors access to the attendee list, including email addresses. Shortly after the conference, BBYO started spamming my wife.

I have now asked BBYO five separate times to stop spamming my wife:

  • On June 10, 2012, I emailed and (which bounced, despite being an email address advertised by the organization) and also clicked the unsubscribe link in the spam. Marissa Feinman <> responded to my complaint but the spam continued.
  • On September 14, I emailed,, and Casey Topol <>.
  • On September 28, I emailed,, and Sabrina Moore <>.
  • On October 4, I reported BBYO’s spam via SpamCop and clicked the unsubscribe link in the spam.
  • Today, October 18, I emailed,,,, and It is worth noting that today’s spam had no unsubscribe instructions, which means it was sent in violation of the federal CAN-SPAM Act.

About 30 years ago, when I was suffering through the worst three years of my life and my social life was nonexistent, my parents had the brilliant idea that I should give BBYO a try. I attended one meeting and was so the-opposite-of-impressed that I never went back. I’m sorry to see that management of the organization does not seem to have improved much since then.

I hope Moving Traditions will think long and hard before co-sponsoring events with BBYO in the future, or at the very least, will refrain from giving BBYO access to the email addresses of event attendees. It really wasn’t OK for Moving Traditions to give out people’s email addresses without their knowledge and consent, but it’s all the more not OK because of what BBYO has done with them.

UPDATE [2012-10-19]: I spoke to someone from Moving Traditions this morning. They apologized for the situation and indicated that they are taking steps both internally and with BBYO to ensure that something like this does not happen again. Their response reflects well upon their organization, and I am grateful for it.


2 thoughts on “BBYO management: incompetent or merely stupid?

  1. Pingback: BBYO is as bad about junk mail as they are about spam | Something better to do

  2. Adam Oded

    Dear Jonathan,

    Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. I am happy to hear that your family is involved in our programs and we have earned your respect. I would like to apologize for the spam your wife and daughter received after the Celebr8-U Conference last spring. Moving Traditions respects the privacy of all our supporters. We are investigating this matter and will ensure that your family no longer receives unwanted email.

    Moving Traditions is committed to keeping our messages brief and relevant. In all of our communications, we offer an option to permanently unsubscribe from all further email.

    Thank you for appreciating the work of Moving Traditions – inspiring a lifelong connection to Jewish life by helping teen girls and boys to apply Jewish values and a gender lens to the challenges of their daily lives.

    All the best,


    Adam Oded
    Development and Communications Manager


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