Category Archives: Social Activism

Two examples of why the CDC is the Keystone Kops of disease control

I want to give two examples, one medical and one technological, of the kind of buffoonery that the CDC is engaging in that continues to make them untrustworthy as a disease-control organization. Medical buffoonery Here are some things that COVID-19 research and recently collected epidemiological data are telling us at the moment: Here is what… Read More »

Again, our leaders fail us

There’s a strong parallel between how community institutions are treating coronavirus and how they treated Trump’s ascendancy to the presidency. They haven’t learned anything, and as a result the rest of us are, once again, going to suffer. When Trump began his presidential campaign, many of us sounded the alarm early and continued to do… Read More »

On fleeing the stock market during the Second Great Depression

Cross-posted from: Do you think as the economy spiraled into the toilet in 1929, people were telling investors with money in the stock market, “Just ride it out. You’ll be fine. The fundamentals of the economy are strong. Trying to time the market is a fool’s bet.” That’s what people said when I started saying… Read More »

Please help other people in need because of COVID-19

Cross-posted from: Listen up! If you are even a little bit financially secure right now, it’s time to #PayItForward and help people who are facing homelessness, starvation, and serious illness because of #COVID19. Here’s a great way to do that. 1) Figure out how much money you can give other people weekly until we’re past… Read More »

“Mallard Fillmore” removed from comics aggregator

When I look at the content of the “Mallard Fillmore” comic strip, two words inevitably come to mind: “ok boomer.” Bruce Tinsley, the author of Mallard Fillmore, has a nationwide platform which he mostly uses to publish endless variants of stupid “get off my lawn!” jokes, as befitting someone of his age. If it were… Read More »