The Paradox of Tolerance vis à vis freedom of expression
Just as we can’t effectively fight intolerance with tolerance, we can’t effectively fight bad speech with more speech.
Just as we can’t effectively fight intolerance with tolerance, we can’t effectively fight bad speech with more speech.
This post is mostly for the benefit of my fellow MIT alumni. Remember Jonathan Monsarrat? If so, then you may have gotten the same impression of him back at the ‘tute that I did, to wit, that he gave off creep vibes. Judging from what has been written about him online since then, he’s done… Read More »
Ken at Popehat reports on Pittsfield judge Bethzaida Sanabria-Vega ordering a local blogger not only to stop writing about the daughter of a local public official who was the perpetrator of a hit-and-run accident which nearly killed someone and got off virtually scott-free after the courts “lost” some of the paperwork related to her case,… Read More »