A case study in troubleshooting the email pipeline
How I plumbed the depths of my email server and falsely concluded that the problem was Not My Fault.
How I plumbed the depths of my email server and falsely concluded that the problem was Not My Fault.
I file my email in different IMAP folders, grouped by topic rather than the “received messages in one folder, sent in another” model imposed nowadays by most mail clients. It’s easy to keep the messages I receive organized by topic — when I’m done handling a message, I simply move it into the appropriate folder.… Read More »
I recently set out to find a decent IMAP client for my BlackBerry Bold, since although the BlackBerry has native IMAP support, my employer’s IT department has disabled it. I found two to consider: LogicMail, which is free, and Tiggit Mail, which costs $30. Both are under active development. I evaluated them and found them both… Read More »