Category Archives: Computer Security

Experian / T-Mobile class action lawyers send victims important emails guaranteed to be rejected by most recipients

In late 2015, 15 million T-Mobile customers learned that they had been victims of a two-year security breach at Experian. Since then, the 150-million victim Equifax breach has made the Experian breach look kind of puny, but at the time it became public it was a Big [expletive] Deal. Of course, a class-action lawsuit was… Read More »

Boycott Amazon until they come clean about recent data breach

Early on November 21, 2018, I along with an undetermined number of other Amazon customers received the following email from Amazon: This breach notification lacked most of the information expected to be included in a breach notification from any reputable company, including: How was the information disclosed? For how long was the information accessible? How… Read More »