Category Archives: Computer Security

It’s MY desk, dammit!

I share my home office with my kids, an unfortunate necessity in a house with five bedrooms, five children, and no dedicated office space (the “office” is actually one of the bedrooms).  All the kids are fully aware of the “never, ever touch anything on Daddy’s desk” rule, but apparently the stuff on my desk… Read More »

WordPress inadvertent disclosure bug

As I previously wrote, I recently had to change my password on over 300 Web sites because my default “medium-security password” was compromised.  The compromise was caused by a bug in the WordPress blogging platform which can result in inadvertent disclosure of information when content is pasted into the WYSIWYG text editor built into WordPress.… Read More »

Why I just spent three days changing my passwords on over 300 Web sites

“Hi, my name is jik, and I’m a password reuser.” “Hi, jik!” If there isn’t a “Password Reusers Anonymous”, there probably should be. By “password reuse,” I mean using the same password over and over on multiple Web sites.  It’s a really bad idea, and I should know that better than most, since I’ve worked… Read More »