Category Archives: Consumer activism

Das Keyboard comes from behind for the win

I recently received a package from Metadot, the creators of Das Keyboard. It contained: Here’s what the enclosed note says: The day before, I’d received another package from them, containing a brand new Das Keyboard. From the “We’re sorry we messed up!” you might suspect that there’s a less positive back story leading up to… Read More »

Canceling my previous recommendation for

I recently recommended a flash charger for cell phones and other devices, being sold by for a great price. I stand by recommendation of that particular product, but I find it necessary to withdraw my recommendation for They strongly encourage their customers to recommend their site and products to friends and relatives, and… Read More »

Dear Radio Shack, Please don’t suck so much.

Dear Radio Shack, I understand that there are overhead costs associated with being a brick-and-mortar store that on-line retailers don’t have. I also understand that it’s reasonable to pay a premium to acquire a product immediately rather than waiting several days for delivery. So I could understand if I had paid a bit more for… Read More »

Lowe’s pulls a Home Depot on me

Dear Lowe’s, I like you better than Home Depot because your customer service is better than theirs. Or, at least, I thought it was. Perhaps I was wrong. When a customer orders a product through your web site, it is not OK to wait nine days before calling to inform the customer that the product… Read More »

PayFlex gone bad?

In 2009, I wrote about my positive experience with PayFlex, the company administering my FSA at a former employer. By that time I had experienced several FSA administrators, and PayFlex was in my opinion by far the best. This blog posting is a retraction of that earlier review, which I believe is no longer accurate.

UPDATED: Awesome flash charger for portable device power on the road

UPDATE [2013-07-31]: I have withdrawn my recommendation for No More Rack, and I discourage you from patronizing them. It’s rare for me to be so pleased with a particular merchant that I feel compelled to rave about them on my blog, and even rarer for me to feel that way about a particular product, but… Read More »

Fumes in MBTA buses: significant progress

I met several months ago with MBTA management to present my concerns about toxic fumes in certain MBTA buses. Thank you, again, to State Senator Will Brownsberger and his  Legislative Counsel and Policy Advisor, Michael Buckley, for making that meeting happen. I am pleased to report that the MBTA took my concerns seriously, investigated them, and… Read More »

Dyn jumps the shark, tries to strong-arm free accounts into paying

I’ve used Dyn, Inc.‘s free dynamic service for many years to maintain a DNS entry for my home internet connection. Their free account allows you to create one or two dynamic DNS entries underneath those domains. They provide software that updates your dynamic DNS record automatically when your IP address changes, usually because your ISP… Read More »