Category Archives: Journalism

News update on Larry Hoffheimer, Parkinson Research Foundation, Macular Degeneration Association

The Sarasota Herald-Tribune recently ran this article by Barbara Peters Smith about Parkinson Research Foundation (PRF), its founder Larry Hoffheimer, and another, far more reputable charity with which PRF is competing in Sarasota. The article also briefly mentioned Hoffheimer’s other “charity”, the Macular Degeneration Association (MDA). Readers of my blog know that I have written… Read More »

Pittsfield judge orders local blogger to stop writing about the news

Ken at Popehat reports on Pittsfield judge Bethzaida Sanabria-Vega ordering a local blogger not only to stop writing about the daughter of a local public official who was the perpetrator of a hit-and-run accident which nearly killed someone and got off virtually scott-free after the courts “lost” some of the paperwork related to her case,… Read More »

Boston Herald blood-transfusion scare-mongering

To the editor: To run an article which aggressively calls into question the safety of blood transfusions [2] [3] [4], without so much as a single word countering the scare-mongering, goes well beyond bad reporting and crosses the line to irresponsible, dangerous journalism. Certainly, there are risks to blood transfusions. But there are risks to… Read More »