Category Archives: Judaism

Is that period English or Hebrew?

I recently found myself writing a document containing mostly English and a little bit of Hebrew on Linux in Writer (using a prerelease of the upcoming Fedora 11). I was pleased to see that since the last time I looked, right-to-left (RTL) text entry has improved by leaps and bounds in both Linux and  I… Read More »

“Jewish Mother for Obama”

This moving pro-Obama video testimonial is by Janette Hillis-Jaffe, an Orthodox Jew living in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Hillis-Jaffe was so offended by the anti-Obama smears being circulated in the Jewish community, that she felt compelled to respond by making this video.  Some excerpts: I’m a Jewish Mother… so I worry! There was a time when I… Read More »

Why we’ve stopped buying red meat

My wife and I have recently made the decision that, at least for the time being, we will no longer buy any Kosher butchered red meat (although we will probably continue to eat red meat out of our house and buy pre-prepared fleishig foods). I am writing this article to explain our decision, to (a)… Read More »

Jewish Unity in the 21st Century

I grew up the son of a Conservative rabbi in the Twin Cities. The local Orthodox rabbi was not only a member (with my father) of the non-denominational Minnesota Rabbinical Council, he also served as its president. He cooperated with the city’s Conservative rabbis in supervision of a local bakery to ensure that there would… Read More »

FUD on Israel attacking Iran

In his weekly opinion column on August 22, M.J. Rosenberg argues that Israel would endanger Jews living outside of Israel by attacking Iran. Furthermore, he rattles off a frightening laundry list of negative outcomes which he claims would result from such an attack: “An Israeli attack on Iran—absent an imminent threat of attack from Iran—is… Read More »

Amazing video about the Arab-Israeli conflict

I have just watched an amazing video about the Arab-Israeli conflict. I encourage everyone to view it, to forward it to others, to link to it, and to Digg it, so that as many people as possible will see it. It is available at