#GlobeDelivery also fails to NOT deliver to people who DON’T want papers

(See the previous chapter of the Globe Direct saga.) To the staff of the Boston Globe and everyone else who has anything to do with your vile “Globe Direct In association with redplum” weekly advertising circulars: When I asked you over and over and over again for six months to stop mailing me your advertising circulars…… Read More »

“Dilbert” banned from comics aggregator

The Dilbert comic strip by Scott Adams has been banned from the comics aggregator. I will not in any way support or involve myself with someone who writes stuff like this. If you don’t see why it’s so bad, please read this commentary. If you still don’t get it, please go elsewhere for your comics. Thanks.

Lying about lying with statistics

“Most people lie a lot—roughly two to three times during a ten-minute conversation, studies show.” If you find that claim hard to believe, your bullshit detector is in good working order!