Appalling Gaza coverage in July 11, 2014 “On The Media” episode

To: Cc: I just listened to your July 11 episode. I listened in HORROR to your interview with Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss. His comments were a skewed, biased, warped version of reality. That’s not surprising, since Mondoweiss itself presents a skewed, biased, warped version of reality. It is a radically anti-Israel, anti-Zionist pro-Palestinian web… Read More »

Morning Jew’s Katie Halper apparently doesn’t understand how politics, or reality, works

I suppose if a Disney Channel star and hip-hop artist are qualified to render informed opinions on the conflict in the Middle East, then “comedian, writer and filmmaker” Katie Halper is just as entitled to dive in over her head as they are. Perhaps she wanted to prove that Jews can be just as clueless… Read More »

Support for Israel

Dear President Obama, When Palestinians kidnapped and murdered three Israeli teenagers, Palestinians danced in the streets, and the terrorists were praised by PA officials. Rather than helping capture them, the PA facilitated their escape; they still have not been apprehended. Palestinians who expressed regret over the kidnapping received death threats. In contrast, when Israelis kidnapped… Read More »

Olympics in Boston: Just Say No

I have lived in Boston since 1989. I have been a homeowner here, in Brighton, since 1997. My wife and I have five children, all of whom were born in Boston, and two of whom are in Boston Public Schools. We are Bostonians. And we absolutely, positively, do not want Boston to host the Olympics in 2024.

My letter to the FCC about the open internet proposal

To: Subject: Internet must remain open To the commissioners: Those who object to regulating internet service providers to ensure an open internet, as the FCC is currently proposing to do, adhere to the rigid political philosophy that regulation, by definition, stifles competition, innovation, growth, etc. However, this philosophy is only even theoretically true when… Read More »

“Beantown AutoMobile Detailing” vandalizes my car, refuses to clean it up

On Wednesday night, April 16, 2014, after our minivan sat idle for two days while we celebrated the beginning of the holiday of Passover, I went out to run an errand and found a sodden, disintegrating advertisement from “Beantown AutoMobile [sic] Detailing” stuck between the driver’s side window and its lower rubber gasket. When I… Read More »