Category Archives: Consumer activism

A study in contrasts: handling stolen email lists

I try to make a habit of giving out “tagged” email addresses to web sites when I sign up for accounts / mailing lists / whatever. For example, when creating an account at, instead of just signing up as “”, I might sign up as “”. It ends up in the same mailbox regardless,… Read More »

Google AdWords is staffed by poorly trained monkeys

Back when I was doing my week-long Shave a Redhead for Israel fundraiser, Google’s search index was taking an unusually long time to index the fundraiser page. This was a problem because I was publicizing the fundraiser and telling people they could find it easily by searching for “Shave a Redhead for Israel”, but they… Read More »

AT&T GoPhone disservice

Dear AT&T, Some people don’t pay for their own cell phones. There’s a reason why account emails about my 12-year-old daughter’s cell phone go to me instead of her. Thanks for screwing that up! Sincerely, An unimpressed customer In reference to: Dear AT&T GoPhone® Customer: We want to alert you that future notifications regarding payments… Read More »

HSBC gets it wrong a second time

Today, I received a second letter from HSBC, claiming once again that they sent me a Statement Available Alert on January 13, despite my twice providing proof that they did not. They also claimed that they were not in violation of the Truth in Lending Act because the Act only requires them to make statements… Read More »

HSBC takes its cue from the “we’re a large corporation and we don’t care about you” playbook

I’m not going to bother to reprint the response I received from HSBC to my recent complaint. Instead, I will reproduce the response I just sent them: February 26, 2010 [name elided] Executive Liaison Office of the President HSBC Card and Retail Services P.O. Box 80026 Salinas, CA 93912 Dear Ms. [name elided], I have… Read More »

HSBC figures out clever money-making strategy: don’t email statement until after payment is due

My wife and I have a Jordan’s Furniture charge account issued by HSBC NV, a somewhat shady subsidiary of HSBC with a history of predatory lending and suspicious practices. They issue “private label” charge accounts for Jordan’s and many other retailers. We have a balance on the account under one of their frequent “buy now,… Read More »

Citizens Bank credit card dispute idiocy

I recently sent Citizens Bank, the issuer of our primary credit card, a letter disputing a charge on the card. Being eminently familiar with the rules surrounding such disputes, I included in my letter all of the required information. A week or so later, I got back this letter: