Category Archives: Consumer activism

FedEx follies

FedEx tried three times over the past week to make a delivery of two packages to our house. Two times, no one was home, and the third, my wife didn’t get to the door fast enough and the courier left. The door tag left after each attempt said someone had to be home to sign… Read More »

Scam call from “Mitchell Communications” / “Faithful Marketing” / “Vandell Communications”

UPDATE [August 30, 2011]: Tony Mitchell has threatened to sue me for criticizing him on my blog. Read all the details here, and please consider chipping in a few bucks to help cover my legal defense. Thanks! UPDATE [February 7, 2011]: As others have noted, they’re now making calls under a third name, “Vandell Communications”. I can confirm that’s… Read More »

Winters Plumbing disappoints

[Read the whole series of postings about Winters Plumbing here.] I posted a while back about a bogus “free safety inspection” Winters Plumbing convinced us to have, where “safety inspection” actually meant “excuse for one of our plumbers to get into your house so he can try to convince you to buy all kinds of… Read More »