Category Archives: Journalism

Boston Herald as cog in the vast right-wing anti-global-warming conspiracy

In a February 10 column printed in the Boston Herald, Jonah Goldberg repeats the anti-global-warming canard that severe snowstorms are evidence against global warming.  In response, I sent the following letter to the editor: To the editor: Jonah Goldberg’s recent suggestion that severe winter weather disproves global warning shows an alarming ignorance of basic science.… Read More »

Boston Herald’s Joe Fitzgerald aspires to be the next George Orwell

To: To the editor: I enjoyed Joe Fitzgerald’s recent satire of the pro-life movement. I laughed so hard coffee came out my nose when I read that “the only choice [the pro-choice movement] will tolerate is its own.” It was obvious that he was joking, since it’s so patently absurd to suggest that people… Read More »

Family “Letters to the Editor” Score: +1

In today’s Boston Herald: Learn from Israel Monday, January 11, 2010 The Israelis do not use racial profiling for airport security (“European response mixed to new U.S. security demands,” Jan. 4). They use profiling, which includes patterns of behavior, coordination of intelligence and sophisticated modeling of which country of origin as but one factor. Interviews… Read More »

Joe Fitzgerald’s token Christmas-loving Jew

To: To the editor: On Dec. 10, Joe Fitzgerald wrote about Irina Koltoniuc, his favorite Christmas-loving Jew, for the sixth time (“Jewish immigrant champions Christmas”).  Does he keep writing about the same woman because he’s too lazy to find someone else, or because he can’t find any other Jews willing to talk about how… Read More »

King Richard’s Faire in the news

Well, she made it sound like I’m the only King Richard’s Faire patron who ever complained about it, said nothing about the fact that more importantly than the Kosher thing, the Faire’s policies discriminate painfully (literally) against people with medical conditions, let stand unchallenged a statement from the owner of the Faire that her policies… Read More »

Another letter in the Herald

Here’s what I wrote: To the editor: Donnie Feener’s willingness to take time out of his own life and undergo painful surgery to donate bone marrow to save the life of a stranger is truly admirable. Unfortunately, many patients who need transplants are unable to obtain them because a matching donor cannot be found. Finding… Read More »

Leave Louise Woodward alone

In response to “Killer nanny reinvents self as dance teacher in England” in today’s Boston Herald: To the editor: It is unfathomable to me why the Boston Herald thinks that how Louise Woodward is living her life is, or should be, news to your readers. Every bit of Woodward’s conduct since Matthew Eappen’s tragic death… Read More »