T-Mobile’s “high-speed” mobile hotspot add-on isn’t
T-Mobile is lying about their high-speed mobile hotspot add-on. It doesn’t work. It isn’t high-speed.
T-Mobile is lying about their high-speed mobile hotspot add-on. It doesn’t work. It isn’t high-speed.
TL;DR After less than 24 hours of using the “Cash App” from Square, I conclude that the people who built, maintain, and support the app are incompetent, and it has therefore earned on my list of apps and services I will never use again. I have removed the app from my phone, and if anyone… Read More »
Some time in the past month, the folks over at GoComics.com made a minor change to their site regarding formatting one-digit dates which broke the comics aggregator’s parsing code when the month rolled over from August 31 (two digits) to September 1 (one). I’ve fixed it. GoComics comics currently available in the aggregator are Adam@Home, Arlo… Read More »
You know how sometimes you encounter something that is so terrible and appalling that you feel you just have to tell other people about it? Well, for me, today is one of those days. But look, I’m a nerd who writes email software and likes to write raw HTML. If the terms “SMTP” and “MIME”… Read More »
Here are my endorsements in the 2018 Massachusetts Democratic primary. Some of these endorsements are not state-wide so you may have different candidates on your ballot. I am not bothering to list endorsements for candidates who are running unopposed. Note that in two of these races (Representative in Congress, Councillor), there is no Republican candidate,… Read More »
UPDATE: On September 7, 2018, the people responsible for handling complaints sent to the office of the CEO of Verizon finally agreed to refund the charges for the five lines I only switched to VZW because their sales representative lied to me. I shouldn’t have been lied to in the first place, and their customer… Read More »
If internet access on your phone exhibits weird behavior including being able to browse to non-SSL web sites but not to SSL web sites, try turning off “Data Saver”.
[The technique described here is obsolete. Please see this update.] I’ve recently started using a YubiKey NEO for two-factor authentication for sites that support it.1 Because I am using my YubiKey for more and more sites, I tend to leave it plugged in whenever I am in front of a computer for an extended period… Read More »
Recently, I wrote about what prompted me to add Blue State Digital to my global kill file. Today, CQ Engage, a service offered by CQ Roll Call, joins in that dubious honor. The things you need to do to be a reputable bulk mail service provider are actually very simple and straightforward: Publish an anti-spam… Read More »
I recently submitted this question to Energizer via the customer support form on their web site: We’ve purchased Energizer batteries from CVS in the past, but we just went to buy some there yesterday and there weren’t any and one of the clerks said they don’t carry Energizer batteries. Then we called the local Staples… Read More »