Category Archives: Boston

A rotten start to my week, courtesy of, yet again, the Boston Public Schools

To: Maria Vieira, Assignment Specialist, Boston Public Schools To: Evelyn Adario, Assistant Director of Envrollment Planning and Support, Boston Public Schools To: Denise Snyder, Senior Director of Welcome Services, Boston Public Schools Cc: Boston City Councilor John R. Connolly Cc: Boston City Councilor Mark Ciommo Cc: John McDonough, Superintendent, Boston Public Schools Cc: Boston School… Read More »

Why does dealing with the Boston Public Schools always have to be so unpleasant?

To: Acting BPS Superintendent John McDonough Cc: Boston School Committee Cc: City Councillor Mark Ciommo Cc: City Councillor and mayoral candidate John Connolly Cc: Mayoral candidate Charlotte Golar Richie Cc: Mayoral candidate Bill Walczak Dear Superintendent McDonough, Why does it have to be consistently so painful  to deal with the BPS administration? Some of the… Read More »

My current take on Boston’s mayoral candidates

I’ve spent some time taking a look at all of the declared candidates for Boston’s mayoral election. Here are my initial reactions, for those who might be curious. People worth considering All of these are people I’d be happy to see elected. John Connolly (Web site.) Current City Councillor. I very much liked what he… Read More »

Fumes in MBTA buses: significant progress

I met several months ago with MBTA management to present my concerns about toxic fumes in certain MBTA buses. Thank you, again, to State Senator Will Brownsberger and his  Legislative Counsel and Policy Advisor, Michael Buckley, for making that meeting happen. I am pleased to report that the MBTA took my concerns seriously, investigated them, and… Read More »

MA Supervisor of Records denies my appeal based on specious legal reasoning

To: Shawn Williams, Massachusetts Supervisor of Records Cc: Lori Sullivan,  the staff attorney in Williams’s office who research my appeal Cc: Susan Krupanski, the MBTA employee who denied my legitimate public records request Cc: Will Brownsberger, my state senator and an all-around good guy Cc: On the Media Cc: The Boston Globe Cc: The Boston… Read More »

MBTA obstructs public records request, Secretary of State drags feet

A side effect of my attempts to get information from the MBTA about toxic fumes in the passenger compartments of their buses (I will write more about that later, after a followup meeting I’ve been invited to by the MBTA) was my discovery that the MBTA is not terribly good at responding to public records… Read More »

MIT Peeps: Have you heard what JonMon is up to nowadays?

This post is mostly for the benefit of my fellow MIT alumni. Remember Jonathan Monsarrat? If so, then you may have gotten the same impression of him back at the ‘tute that I did, to wit, that he gave off creep vibes. Judging from what has been written about him online since then, he’s done… Read More »